The game that really set the Game Boy market ablaze in the past few years was a little game known as Pokemon. Nearly a half-decade and six versions later, Nintendo ups the ante with the first Game Boy Advance-exclusive edition of the Pokemon brand; it's already sold out the wazoo in Japan since its November 2002 release, and even though it may seem like it's sold based upon brilliant marketing alone, the Pokemon RPG franchise is actually a fantastic and well-designed gaming experience. It not only has extensive variety in its adventure, it's chock full of strategy and it will consume a whole lot of time due to its addictive "gotta catch 'em all" motif. The GBA game expands on an already successful design, and its only mark against it is the designers' failure to advance the game's visuals as far as it did the gameplay.


* More than 350 Pokemon to collect, battle and trade
* 40 hour quest
* Cartridge save (one slot)
* Connectivity with future GameCube game(s)
* Link cable support for four player (multiple cartridge)
* e-Reader compatibility
* Only for Game Boy Advance


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